Monday 19 December 2011

Welsh Musicians Strike

In an attempt to bring attention to their predicament, this week from monday to wednesday a number of Welsh musicians are laying down their insruments and closing their voice boxes in a frustrated reaction to the lowering of their broadcasting fees from £150 for a 3 minute song to a fiver, no wonder they are going on strike;  not even 19th century ironworkers & coal miners under  the thumbs of autocratic owners suffered such an ignominy; although they've asked the BBC to respect their wishes and refrain from playing their music on the air during this brief period, the Bloody, Bastard C**** have made it plain that their sentiments will be ignored. Only to be expected from a London based colonial mindset that is seen to stand for the best that England has to offer the world; unfortunately musicians trying to earn a crust through the medium of Welsh, one of the oldest living languages of Europe, are not English, therefore come in unseen, out of mind under the radar. Pity they are not guitar playing snow leopards, in that case their minority status would lead to an upgrading in value and not be used as an argument against.